D.I.Y balloon birthday card

I dont know about you, but I'm completely head over heels for balloons. I'm the kind of girl that prefers balloons over flowers... I know... I know.  Not much of a girl am I. But they're just so fun and happy. When have you seen someone sad with a balloon on a string? Exactly. What I love most about this card, aside that it has a balloon on it, and that its a perfect way to share germs. Is that the birthday girl/boy has to blow it up in order to clearly read their message. In other words, it's got fun written all over it. 


#1. One regular sized balloon
#2. Tape
#3. Card and envelope. I purchased these at target in the
 stationary section. Totally legitimizes a card // Or download my template!
#4. Pen
#5. Black marker

Step one: Once you pick what color balloon you want to use, blow it up! I would say not to big.

Step two: What you have to do now is hold it at a good angle so that you can write on it without releasing air. This part can get kind of tricky, and uses lots of wrist muscles.

Step three: Once you finish writing your birthday message, wait a minute or two so that it can completely dry. Then slowly release the air and set aside for 6 mins. This is the fun part. Your huge message has now shrunk into the tiniest writing possible!

Step four: As you wait for the balloon to dry, you can begin to write your message. I wrote "GETTING OLD BLOWS". The other one I like to use is "BLOW ME". That one always cracks a smile!

Step five: When your balloon is completely dry, close your card and place a piece of tape that is formed into a loop or double sided tape. Place a pen inside the balloon and move it around, to make sure you get your balloon nice and stuck.

There you have it a simple & sweet birthday card!

Oh, and be careful not to write to hard. You'll get the scare of your life. & If you decide to make one I would love to hear of some other phrases that you wrote, so please do share!



  1. This is a really great idea, easy, simple, and it makes for a great personal/creative birthday card! Totally going to use this in the future.

    1. Thank you miss, let me know how it goes for you :)


  2. Oh my gosh. That is such a darling idea! Can't wait to use it ;)

  3. Super cute! I like this idea best for birthdays since it's so adorable and fun!

    1. Thanks! :) I also think it would be a nice idea to mail to a friend, dont you think?




  5. Awesome idea, but the balloon won't dry. It already smeared into the card a couple of times accidentally.

  6. Ah no way! I'm really bummed about that. Did you let it dry before releasing the air? Also what marker did you use?


  7. I thought I let it dry before releasing the air. I used a Sharpie.

  8. I'm going to change the time limit on this because i waited about 5 minutes for mine to dry. Also I found it much easier and faster when I used a Prisma color marker. Sorry for the smearing of cards, I hope next time it works out.


  9. Wonderful idea and its very cute. Now there's one more added to my birthday card ideas . thanks for sharing :)


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