
D.i.y pizza cookie

There are many things I enjoy in this world. Two of which are chocolate 
and pizza. So I thought I'd combine the two! Plus Im personally not a cake person.
 Don't get me wrong, they're beautiful I just prefer the taste of a warm cookie or brownie. 

Naturally (for me) this the perfect alternative & would be a blast to do with kids. This particular pie was for a birthday girl, whom was pleasantly surprised to see a huge cookie in a pizza box! Now if your thinking this is just too much chocolate, you can easily substitute the nutella for some strawberry/raspberry preserves. I actually kept fighting with myself on what to use for the "pizza sauce". I knew some sort of fruit preserve would look much more like a pizza, but my sweet tooth couldn't deny nutella. 


#1. Two packets of chocolate chip cookie dough

#2. Nutella

#3. Four mini packets of M&Ms 

#4. Shaved coconut

Step one: Let your two packets of cookie dough thaw, that you can easily 
form a ball with the dough.

Step two: Spread your cookie dough on a pizza pan (I added grease, but 
its not necessary). Don't forget to create a "crust" around the edges 
when kneading the dough. When your ready to place it in the oven make 
sure you follow the cookie dough instructions. When you remove the 
pizza from the oven let it cool for about 20 minutes or until the dough has cooled. 

Step three: Spread nutella in a circular motion. 
Make sure to leave an inch around without nutella.

Step four: Now is the time to make your pizza slices. If you wait till
the end the cookie will harden, making it impossible to cut the cookie
without breaking it.

Step five: Add your pepperoni (Chocolate M&Ms). I tried to make sure each slice had 
a mixture of colors and kept the doubles to a minimum.

Step six: Add the cheese (shredded coconut)! This was my favorite part. 
I loved spreading the cheese just like I would for a pizza.

Step seven: & now for the Pièce de résistance. 
             A pizza box for your pizza cookie!

Step eight: Deliver your pizza pie to a special friend! 
            Or have yourself a pizza night with a side of ice cream!

Friday fingers /// D.i.y finger fuzz

Friday is here & I couldn't be happier! The weather is finally acting its age.
Here in L.A. we'll be having a whole weekend of rain & that gets me all warm and fuzzy.
Which is why Im sharing my pink fuzzy nails today. These are my go to for a quick, fun, and 
easy manicure. You really hardly need anything for these pups! But I just want to warn
 you, they tend to get dirty pretty easily so beware. Sadly that means finger foods are a no no. 
Other than that, they are a blast to have and are totally unique!


#1. Pink velvet fuzz (crushed velvet)
You could either order it, or find it at Joann.

#2. Essie A Crewed Interest or a soft pink

#3. Tweezers

Step one: First things first, apply one coat of nail polish. Whats great
about this step is you can be as sloppy as you want since the
 pink fuzz will cover most of your errors!

Step two: This is were you'll work fast. Apply your second coat of nail polish.
Then with the tweezers apply the pink fuzz on top of the wet polish. Once
 your little pink fuzz of a mountain is sitting on top, your going to squash it 
down with your finger. Making sure you cover your whole nail.

Step three:  Once you finish, there will be alot of fuzz left over on your fingers.
To fix that your simply just going to blow it off till its nice and clean! Each and everyone of them.

& There you have it, a hand full of pink fuzzy nails!

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D.I.Y Fabric notebooks

I dont know about you, but I've always had a love for school supplies. Doesnt matter the time of the year, a new notebook or set of new inky pens just makes me the happiest. But what to do with those old left over notebooks? The old ones that have lost its shine. Well, make them brand new again!


#1. Old composition notebook

#2. Fabric. This is the perfect time to use any

left overs you have laying around

#3. Scissors

#4. Spray glue

Step one: Trim the side of the fabric you are going to use.

Step two: This is were things get messy. Spray the notebook with spray glue

but make sure you don't get it on the black portion of your notebook (black tape).
In other words only spray the pattern of the notebook.

Step three: Your going to want to work fast. Start by making sure the fabric is aligned

with the border of the notebook (black tape that holds it together). Then smooth out
the rest of the notebook, making sure all the wrinkles are pressed out.

Step four: Now that the fabric is attached to the notebook, its time to cut off the

fabric. What you need to do here is trace along the sides of the notebook.

Step five: Do the same to the other side. Wait for it to dry, and voila
you've got yourself a brand new notebook!


Pumpkin Vase

This Halloween I didnt have enough time to do any pumpkin carving.  So instead the boyfriend bought me some flowers and I decided to turn my pumpkin into a vase. I can not believe how easy it was.

#1. Pick a perfectly balanced pumpkin that sits still.
#2. Cut out a decent round hole on top of the pumpkin & remove the innards.
#3. Add some water, then your flowers! 

The best thing about this project is that it can last all autumn long!


Finger Friday! D.I.Y Green Gooze

Halloween is leaving us so quickly! In fact this will be my last halloween nail tutorial.
This small nail project has been keeping me festive all month long, and i hope it has for
some of you as well. I thought I'd ask my boyfriend if he had any ideas to share with me
& yada yada yada I took it into consideration.


1. Black nail polish

2. Green nail polish

3. Toothpick or dotting tool

4. Top coat

Step one:
After painting your nails black (& making sure they are dry)

 you can then add 3 green dots. Make sure they are some what uneven. 
Step two: Begin working upwards, almost as if you are coloring
 in your nails and making sure you stay within the green dots
 you created in step one.

Step three: Make sure you fill in all the sides. Do steps 1-3 on each nail. & if you
want to give it a little bit more effect you can add a small green dot below the design. 

Step four: Add top coat to all your nails and your done!


Friday Fingers // D.I.Y eyeball nails

Staying in passing out candy this year? 
Dressing up as some kind of dead zombie?
Or just feeling festive? (That's me)

Then I think these'll do the trick. 


1. Black nail polish
2. Red striper nail polish (veins)
3. Blue nail polish 
4. White nail polish 
5. Top coat
6. Dotting tool

1. Paint it white.
2. Dot it blue with the wand of your blue polish.
3. Use your red striper brush and paint Y's around the eyeball.
4. Add a black dot in the center 
5. Add a white dot towards the top of the black to give the eye a glare.
6. Top coat it and your done!

Happy friday!
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Friday fingers // D.I.Y Candy Corn nails

I woke up feeling quite corny this morning, from my fingers to my toes. 
I can't believe how close halloween is getting. There is so much that 
needs to be done, and Im not the slightest bit ready! Well, 10 fingers ready.


D.I.Y balloon birthday card

I dont know about you, but I'm completely head over heels for balloons. I'm the kind of girl that prefers balloons over flowers... I know... I know.  Not much of a girl am I. But they're just so fun and happy. When have you seen someone sad with a balloon on a string? Exactly. What I love most about this card, aside that it has a balloon on it, and that its a perfect way to share germs. Is that the birthday girl/boy has to blow it up in order to clearly read their message. In other words, it's got fun written all over it. 


#1. One regular sized balloon
#2. Tape
#3. Card and envelope. I purchased these at target in the
 stationary section. Totally legitimizes a card // Or download my template!
#4. Pen
#5. Black marker

Step one: Once you pick what color balloon you want to use, blow it up! I would say not to big.

Step two: What you have to do now is hold it at a good angle so that you can write on it without releasing air. This part can get kind of tricky, and uses lots of wrist muscles.

Step three: Once you finish writing your birthday message, wait a minute or two so that it can completely dry. Then slowly release the air and set aside for 6 mins. This is the fun part. Your huge message has now shrunk into the tiniest writing possible!

Step four: As you wait for the balloon to dry, you can begin to write your message. I wrote "GETTING OLD BLOWS". The other one I like to use is "BLOW ME". That one always cracks a smile!

Step five: When your balloon is completely dry, close your card and place a piece of tape that is formed into a loop or double sided tape. Place a pen inside the balloon and move it around, to make sure you get your balloon nice and stuck.

There you have it a simple & sweet birthday card!

Oh, and be careful not to write to hard. You'll get the scare of your life. & If you decide to make one I would love to hear of some other phrases that you wrote, so please do share!


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